Dr Peter Bankhead wins an Award for Data Analysis in Imaging Dr Peter Bankhead, Reader, University of Edinburgh, UK Image Dr Peter Bankhead, Reader For outstanding scientific achievements applying microscopy in the field of data analysis in imaging. Pete is best known for his creation and development of the software QuPath. In the crowded scene of bioimage analysis software, QuPath stands out as a fundamental cornerstone. Though initially designed as a tool for quantitative pathology, it is being widely used in many microscopy areas due to its versatility and capabilities to handle large imaging data. QuPath is special because it is open-source and is also developed to an exceptionally professional standard. It makes the exploration and analysis of extremely large images effortless, boasting a google maps style zoom functionality. It is also highly versatile with many forms of analysis, utilising the best of signal processing, machine learning, and data visualisation techniques. In addition, Pete has written a book on bioimage analysis, and developed many online resources for QuPath. Pete deserves special praise for his work developing QuPath – which really does stand out as an exceptional piece of analysis software. He has been quietly contributing to bioimage analysis for many years at an exceptional standard without being formally recognised, and is thoroughly deserving of this award. https://www.rms.org.uk/opportunities/competitions-awards/rms-section-awards/award-for-data-analysis-in-imaging.html Publication date 01 Dec, 2022