Hypoxystation, Don Whitley

Contact details and costs for the Don Whitley Hypoxystation.

Dr Simon Langdon     simon.langdon@ed.ac.uk

+44 (0)131 651 8694


Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre

University of Edinburgh

Western General Hospital

Crewe Road South

Edinburgh EH4 2XR

The H35 Hypoxystation creates hypoxic conditions (to 0.2 % O2) within a controlled and sustained workstation environment. It is ideal for cell culture studies where there is a requirement to accurately control oxygen, carbon dioxide, temperature and humidity for long or short-term studies.

This workstation allows the culture and experimental manipulation of cells under low oxygen tension without the risk of re-oxygenation.


To help cover maintenance costs, users are being charged at £150 / month for the duration of their experiments.