Edinburgh Haematopathology Tutorial

The Edinburgh Haematopathology Tutorial is an annual two-day course designed to provide a practical approach to different topics in Haematopathology at an advanced level.

A unique feature of the Tutorial is the case orientated format.  The two-day course is divided into four sessions of 3.5 to 4 hours.  There may be an introductory lecture to each session, but the main focus of teaching centres on presentation and discussion of illustrative cases, around 40-50 in total over the two days.  Prior to the meeting, participants are able to view digitally scanned slides (H&E sections and selected immunohistochemical stains) of each case via a remote server.  During the meeting, the Tutors use these cases to highlight and discuss specific areas relevant to the topic being presented.  The atmosphere is informal, and delegates are encouraged to interact with the tutors in order to maximise the learning experience for all attendees. 

The cases remain available for viewing for several months after the close of the meeting, allowing delegates to revisit them and reinforce learning points.  This approach also has the benefit of allowing delegates to experience, first hand, real life examples of rare and educational cases. 

The course is suited to practising Haematopathologists, as well as Pathologists with an interest in Haematopathology or lymphoma diagnosis, and Pathologists in training.

Dr John Goodlad

Consultant Haematopathologist

Contact details


Date of 2024 course

6th to 7th June 2024


Surgeons Quarter, Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh

Programme and Fees

£425.00 Tuition Fee

£375.00 Pathologists or Haematologists in Training

ePay is the University of Edinburgh's Online Store which is used to register and pay for the tutorial. Before you can register and pay for the tutorial you need to set up an account on the University of Edinburgh's ePay system. An email will be sent to you once you have successfully registered and paid for the tutorial. If you have not received an email then your tutorial registration has not been successful. Please contact Kate Britton (kbritton@ed.ac.uk) if you have any issues with your registration.

Book Here!